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Shannon Crocker, MSc RD PHEC

Decadent Dark Chocolate Almond Dip

chocolate almond dip

This holiday season, elevate your fruit platters with a decadent chocolate almond dip that is sure to impress your guests! It's easy to make, is filled with simple, nourishing ingredients and is super YUMMY!


3 oz chopped quality dark chocolate

1/2 cup almond butter 4 tbsp canola oil 2 tbsp cocoa 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla

Pinch coarse sea salt How to Make:

Add chocolate in the top of a double boiler over medium-low heat and stir until chocolate is melted. Add almond butter, canola oil, cocoa, maple syrup, vanilla and sea salt and stir until all ingredients are well-combined. If needed, add more canola a bit at a time until desired consistency.

Serve immediately with lots of fresh fruit for dipping.

Make ahead: Put dip in a glass jar and refrigerate. The dip will solidify. To serve, put the jar (lid on) in a heat-proof bowl with just-boiled water. Remove the lid and stir until smooth.

Dip away friends!

Vibrantly Yours,


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