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Shannon Crocker MSc RD
Apr 10, 2019
Dietitian truths: I am not picky. But I am choosy.
REAL talk: the other day someone called me a picky eater. I was gobsmacked. (side note: what a fun word that is!) When I asked them...

Shannon Crocker MSc RD
May 31, 2018
Protein: Do You Get Enough at Breakfast?
Higher protein intakes at meals (along with exercise) are linked with maintaining lean muscle mass as you age. It works out to about 20-30 g

Shannon Crocker MSc RD & Jessica Rego MHSC RD
Mar 5, 2018
5 Fantastic Reasons to Eat Flax
Flaxseeds. They're not at the top of food trends list. But, when it comes to nutrition, flax is a star! Flax might help lower blood pres

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