Shannon Crocker, MSc RD PHECMar 1, 2020Does cooking make you grumpy? {3 simple meal prep steps to make your kitchen a happy place}Does cooking make you happy or grumpy?Cooking usually makes me really happy. I love to cook and creating a meal that everyone enjoys makes m
Shannon Crocker, MSc RD PHECFeb 8, 2020Boost Your Inner Wellness with FibreFibre might not be the sexiest topic (it often leads to talking about poop!) but it's super important to inner wellness and overall heal
Shannon Crocker MSc RDJan 5, 2018This January, Kick Restrictive Resolutions to the Curb!Restrictive resolutions are punishing and don't work. Instead, stay positive! Build a super diet to power a super you!
Shannon Crocker MSc RDNov 13, 2017Roasted Carrot and Chickpea SaladIf you've ever turned down a carrot because you've heard that they are too high in sugar, listen up: that's bananas! Yes, carrot